Enriched Lives
Enhancing the health and economic wellbeing of our stakeholders.
Areas of Focus

Talent Management
We are committed to supporting our people to realise their career ambitions. We welcome talents that are entrepreneurial and demonstrate a growth mindset. Aspiring to become the employer of choice, we invest in training and development to build a productive and future-ready workforce.
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Employee Communication and Engagement
We have a consistent, transparent and credible employee communication mechanism. This enables employees to provide opinions and suggestions regarding the company's development, employment system, personal development plan, working culture and environment as well as to express grievances. To achieve more together, we leverage new means of engagement to improve employees’ sense of belonging and address their evolving needs.
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Occupational Health and Safety
Occupational health and safety is critical to our value chain. Our Health and Safety Policy, Supplier Code of Conduct and relevant management systems outline our efforts to protect employees and suppliers against occupational risks and accidents. We also implement wellness targets of lost-time injury rates (LTIR).
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Employee Wellness Enhancement
Our employees are our valuable assets and their health and well-being always come first. We promote workplace wellness by providing physical and virtual programmes for employees.
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Diversity and Inclusion
We strive to uphold workplace diversity and inclusion and provide equal opportunities during recruitment and in the working environment.
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Community Investment and Engagement
The Group is committed to investing in and engaging with local communities. We do this through a range of programmes and initiatives, volunteering services, as well as charitable foundations and donations.
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Education for Sustainable Development
We believe everyone can contribute to the sustainable development of society and that education is a fundamental element to catalyse the process.
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Customer Wellness Improvement
The comfort and wellness of customers is our top priority. Our Sustainable Building Policy sets out our expectations towards the creation of built environments that support physical, mental and social health and well-being. Additionally, we provide holistic healthcare services through the introduction of new and advanced technologies.
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