Promoting health in body and mind
SDG 3.4 Promote physical / mental health and well-being
SDG 3.9 Promote healthy built environments which reduce hazardous chemicals and pollution
We strive to promote the health and well-being of our employees, customers and communities. We are providing innovative wellness and healthcare solutions, health and safety measures and collaborating with stakeholders such as NGOs to advance our efforts.
Our Wellness Targets
Stakeholders’ Well-being to be Improved*
SDG 3.4
FY2023 progress: 22 million
Lost-Time Injury Rate (LTIR)**
SDG 3.4
FY2023 LTIR: 0.4
* Cumulative number from baseline year FY2015 to FY2030 covering the Sustainability Reporting Scope.
** Lost-time injury rate (LTIR) represents the number of injuries per 100 employees per year.
Areas of Focus
Customer Wellness Improvement
The comfort and wellness of customers is our top priority. Our Sustainable Building Policy sets out our expectations towards the creation of built environments that support physical, mental and social health and well-being. Additionally, we provide holistic healthcare services through the introduction of new and advanced technologies.
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Employee Wellness Enhancement
Our employees are our valuable assets and their health and well-being always come first. We promote workplace wellness by providing physical and virtual programmes for employees.
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Occupational Health and Safety
Occupational health and safety is critical to our value chain. Our Health and Safety Policy, Supplier Code of Conduct and relevant management systems outline our efforts to protect employees and suppliers against occupational risks and accidents. We also implement wellness targets of lost-time injury rates (LTIR).
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Explore other SV2030 Pillars
Moving us towards a greener future
Reduce energy and carbon emissions intensity by 50%.
Areas of Focus
- Climate Change
- Energy & Carbon
- Waste
- Water
- Biodiversity
Using innovation to unlock potential
Support the realisation of Green, Wellness and Caring in the long-term.
Areas of Focus
- Digitalisation
- Entrepreneurship
- Innovation
Creating shared value for our communities and culture
Enhance the quality of life of 300 million stakeholders.
Areas of Focus
- Employee
- Youth
- Community