Future-Fit Places
Design, build and operate high-quality, future-fit and resilient places that deliver enduring value for our stakeholders.
Areas of Focus

Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience
Climate change poses an unprecedented challenge to human survival. We're paving the way towards a more resilient future by adopting various climate mitigation and adaptation measures as well as aligning our actions with international best practices.
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Energy and Carbon Management
We strive to reduce our carbon footprint throughout our property lifecycle. While we work towards our SV2030 energy and carbon emissions intensity reduction targets, we are also exploring viable ways to further decarbonise under the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C scenario. This means reducing our emissions through energy efficiency improvements as well as considering viable renewable energy opportunities.
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Waste Management
Waste management is a challenge across the globe, particularly in areas with high-density development and rapid urbanisation. We’re committed to avoiding and reducing waste across our building lifecycle.
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Water Resource Management
The Group recognises that water is a constrained but essential resource to the sustainability of our business and wider society. We are committed to managing our water consumption and potential risks throughout the building lifecycle.
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Biodiversity Protection
Major biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse are one of the top five global risks for the next ten years. Extraction of natural resources and pollution are among the key drivers of biodiversity loss, with severe implications for the economy and public health and well-being, as well as for our supply chain. We hope to protect biodiversity by enhancing our operations and raising public awareness.
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